Best Cat Gifs of the Week #7

 Cat GIFs. Looping video goodness chock full of cats and kittens. Let’s face it, there is something about this repetitive format that makes us wanna laugh, giggle and share with our friends.

With that in mind, check out our latest selection of the best, funniest and most shared cat GIFs that are currently doing the rounds on the world wide interweb, and see if you can keep a straight face.

1. Here’s a kitty that strives for perfection !

2. There I was, minding my own business on the bed, when suddenly…Boooom!

[adinserter name=”Cats in content 1 desktop/tablet”]

3. Where’d the bubble go?

4. Cuddle Buddies!

2 hugs

5. Did somebody say frog?

[adinserter name=”Cats in content 2 desktop/tablet”]

6. “I am coming to get you, you cannot escape me – wait…what?”

wait what

7. Cheeky dog has learnt a new game – cat dunking!

cat dunking

We post new gifs, photos, videos and all the latest cat stories everyday on Twitter


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